Ω Vocabulary in This Flashcard Set:

animal 动物 dòngwù
bark (cry or call made by animals) 叫声 jiào shēng
bear xióng
bird niǎo
bull 公牛 gōng niú

cat māo
cat (to keep a) 养猫 yǎng māo
cow 母牛 mǔ niú
cow (or ox, bull) niú
crab 螃蟹 páng xiè
deer 鹿
dog gǒu
dog (to keep a) 养狗 yǎng gǒu
dolphin 海豚 hǎi tún
donkey 驴子 lǘ zi
duck 鸭子 yāzi
eel 鳗鱼 mán yú
elephant 大象 dà xiàng
extinct 灭绝 miè jué
female (of animals)
fish (to) 钓鱼 diào yú
fox 狐狸 hú li
frog 青蛙 qīngwā
fur 毛皮 máo pí
giraffe 长颈鹿 cháng jǐng lù
goldfish 金鱼 jīn yú
head of animals tóu
hunt (to) 狩猎 shòu liè
kill (to) shā
koala 树熊 shù xióng
leather 皮革 pí gé
lion 狮子 shī zi
lobster 龙虾 lóngxiā
male (of animals) gōng
monkey 猴子 hóu zi
mouse 小老鼠 xiǎo lǎoshǔ
mule 骡子 luó zi
octopus 章鱼 zhāng yú
panda 熊猫 xióngmāo
pet 宠物 chǒng wù
pig zhū
pigeon (or dove) 鸽子 gē zi
rabbit 兔子 tù zi
rat 老鼠 lǎoshǔ
rooster 公鸡 gōng jī

shark 鲨鱼 shā yú
sheep yáng
shrimp xiā
snake shé
squid 鱿鱼 yóu yú
tail 尾巴 wěi ba
tiger 老虎 lǎohǔ
to walk the dog 遛狗 liù gǒu
turkey 火鸡 huǒ jī
turtle 乌龟 wūguī
whale 鲸鱼 jīng yú
wild animal 野生动物 yě shēng dòng wù
zoo 动物园 dòng wù yuán